Visit pageSaveOsh is a city defined by its entrepreneurial spirit and the genuine welcome locals give to visitors from all over the world. Standing as the gateway to the Pamir-Alay Mountains, the city was a pivotal trading hub along the Great Silk Road — perhaps one of the first cities in Central Asia to play such an important role in welcoming, hosting, and empowering travelers to enjoy their time in Central Asia In the spirit of their ancestors, a group of local stakeholders banded together in spring 2017 to form a nonprofit public union that would, at the core, help international travelers better enjoy their time in Osh. Founded as Destination Osh, these stakeholders are committed to boosting the ability of local communities in the Fergana Valley to offer sustainable tourism solutions that benefit both travelers and locals alike Destination Oshoperates as a social enterprise with its broad goal that encompasses the wide-scale improvement of tourism and its benefits for the local communities. As a non-profit organization, all revenues coming from the DMO’s activities go to sustaining its activity as a local social enterprise and organizing community-related projects Note: Destination Osh members are highlighted in a different color in the listings for accommodation providers, restaurants and coffee houses, and tour operators. These businesses and entrepreneurs are actively invested in promoting tourism and community development in Osh by being engaged in Destination Osh
Meet the Destination Osh DMO & Visitor Center Team
Destination Osh could not exist without the dedicated team (local Visitor Center staff, managers, and tour guides) and fantastic stakeholders (guesthouse and restaurant owners, tour operators, local entrepreneurs, and more). More than simply a collection of people, Destination Osh represents the desire of the entire Osh community to make the city a place travelers feel an authentic and heartfelt welcome. Meet the team making this happen
Aliev Abdulkadyr
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